Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Trailers Are Your Friends

I read this article today and I must say that I am absolutely guilty of watching trailers endlessly. And I do get slightly annoyed when I'm late to a movie because I know I won't miss the actual movie but the stellar previews...or in some cases, the previews to the previews (see Twilight Breaking Dawn: Part 2).

Personally I think it's a clever marketing ploy to get us amped for months ahead of a movie premiere BUT it's a win-win situation.,0,6503131.story

Tuesday, April 3, 2012

My Heart Still Goes On

 In honor of tomorrow's 3D re-release, today's post will be about Titanic (quit now or forever hold your peace...or better yet, go watch the Riff Trax version of this movie because it's amusing). Yes it's an extremely overplayed movie and apparently no one wants to hear 'My Heart Will Go On' ever again BUT, I happen to really like this movie. And by like I mean I've seen it over 50 times and in multiple languages. Plus, Kate Winslet, duh. She was only 19 when she filmed this movie, what did you do when you were 19?

I saw the movie twice in theaters when it came out and looking back, I was probably way too young to see it. No I didn't cry, my friend told me it was a sad movie and I wasn't allowed to cry because then she would cry too: fast forward to everyone dying and she's bawling her eyes out while I sit with a stiff upper lip. Anyways, I remember thinking that living in the 1900's must have been so exciting. Everything seemed glamorous and exotic with so much adventure in store. And I guess that's the lesson I took from Titanic. Not that second class people are people too or always be prepared or even the tragedy of it (yes, I took away the tragedy of it and how class rankings like that is bad but that wasn't the main thing). My way-too-young self was instilled with a sense of adventure. This was from a time when crossing the Atlantic was a big deal, this ship was a luxurious invention. Where can we get that kind of amazement and adventure now?

That coupled with Rose's decision to live her life to the fullest left me with a lot of dreams myself. Here was this upper class woman, who seemed to have the world at her feet--but alas: she was a woman and therefore stuck with the inferior position society dictated for her. But women's rights and equality is a whole other issue (or is it...). But then she decides not to shut up and go along with expectations or other people's wants. Back on point: I decided that I would have a fun and exciting life and I would try all kinds of things. It also started my love of photography and making sure I actually documented this fabulous life I was going to have. I can't say that I have actually lived up to my young self's expectations...yet. But there is still time.

So in conclusion, yes, I will be seeing Titanic in 3D, if for no other reason than nostalgia. And no, I didn't think it was ridiculous for her to physically let go of Jack's frozen body as she said "I'll never let go". She was never going to let go of the promise, people.

Sunday, April 1, 2012

Can you guess the villain?

Before he got into the roles of some of history's most notorious villains, both fictional and non-fictional, he was a simple literary professor in Quiz Show, looking to please his father. He also had a cameo in the award-winning film The Hurt Locker. A little too vague? He is often mistaken for Liam Neeson, with whom he worked during Neeson's Oscar-nominated role in 1994.